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Walk-in Booster Substation

This walk-in substation is rated at 13,800: 600V and is used to power up to five 400hP submersible pumps at a mine located in British Columbia

. substation

2000A Busway Enclosure for Solar Farm

This walk-In enclosure contains ..... and is located in the Okanagan Valley in a small community of  Summerland, British Columbia.

. e-house

138kV Walk-in, Distribution Enclosure

Walk-In enclosure containing 5kV and 25kV distribution switchgear for a 138kV Substation located at a mine site in Saskatchwewan.

. e-house

Mill Drive Junction Boxes

These junction boxes include Enclosure, Bus Bar, IR Windows and Aluminum Gland Plates manufactured for a copper/molybdenum open-pit mine in British Columbia.

. junctions

Electrical, Mechanical & Control Walk-in Enclosures c/w with Substructure Frame

accommodating wireways for easy site installation. These climate-controlled modules are designed to accommodate technologically advance equipment. Designed, manufactured for & shipped to a GTL PLant located in North Dakota, USA.

. e-houses

2x 900HP Pumphouse Substation for

34' Skid-mounted Substation with walk-in Control room c/w 2000kVA, 25kV-4160V, Dry-type Transfomer. Designed & manufactured for an open pit mining operation in Northern BC.


6.5MVA, Mobile Pit Substation

43' Tri-Axle Trailer-mounted, Substation for an open pit mining operation in Northern BC. Incorporating a Dry-type, Cast-Resin, 6.5MVA TMC Transformer.

. substations

Electrical, Mechnical & Control Island for RMGTL Gas-to-Liquid Plant

Twelve E-Houses containing power distribution, mcc, controls, turbines, air & water equipment for a gas-to-liquid (natural gas to synthetic diesel) plant site located in Alberta.

. e-houses

25,000V Outdoor Power Distribution Station c/w 500kVA Transformer

This substation was designed/manufactured for outdoor application at a pile driving yard located on the Canadian west coast, Vancouver BC.

. substations

8kV Mobile, Trailer-mounted Splitter

This cable splitter is was custom-designed for an Imperial Metals mine site according to a request for a mobile unit. It incorporates latest relay technology for safety and reliability.

. couplers

5kV Testing Switchgear

IMG supplied Portable Switchgear for the purpose of testing an emergency generator system at a nuclear power facility in Eastern Canada.

. switchgear

1000kVA, 25kV:600V Temporary Construction Power Distribution Center (PDC1000-25kV)

Three substations have been designed and manufactured to provide maximum flexibility for a construction site located in Vancouver, BC., as well as, the client's future projects.

. substations

1000kVA, 4160kV:600V Portable Underground Substations (PDC1000)

These substation were designed/manufactured to provide maximum flexibility, reliability and durability for the harsh environment of an underground mining operation in Northern Canada.

. substations

4160V Switchgear Line-Up

This compact, low-profile IMG Switchgear is designed with separate, robust enclosures for incoming, controls, and outgoing sections, therefore, should a fault occur with-in any section, damage is isolated to one cell only.

. switchgear

2.4Km of 350MCM Cables c/w IMG 8kV Cable Couplers + 1.1kV Cable Couplers Sets used to power ungerground tunneling equipment.

IMG supplied cable sets to inter-connect Power Distribution Centers for Site C Dam Project ~ Drainage Tunnel.

. couplers

1500kVA, 12.47kV:480V Substation for Coal Gasification Plant

This substation has shipped to site and will be used for power distribution at a gasification plant located in the United States.

. substations

Portal, Intermediate & U/G PDC

Portal, Intermediate & Underground Power Distribution Centers for underground drainage tunnels at Site "C" Dam Project located in Northern British Columbia.


Frame-Mount PLC/MCC Unit for Coal Gasification Plant

This skid-mounted PLC/MCC unit will be used to control equipment at a gasification plant located in the United States.

. switchgear

Pump Control Center

This 500kVA power center is designed to control pumps, as well as, distribute power through-out the open-pit mine site. "Plug-in" type feeders allow for quick system change.


3x 2.5MVA Mill Substations

Mill substations were manufactured for a mine located in Northern Canada. These units are housed in open frame-style enclosure that can be used to lift complete unit via crane.

. substations

5kV Switch House

Shipping time restrictions forced a very short lead time - customer requirements were met with the use of 'container' style enclosure that housed custom-designed and manufactured IMG 5kV switchgear.

. switchgear

25,000V Pad-Mount Switchgear
BC Parks, Canada

Heavy-duty construction was required to ensure long-lasting and durable equipment located in avalanche prone area at Roger's Pass, British Columbia, Canada.


1.1kV Coupler VS Caterpillar 980 Loader w/ a full 8yd Bucket

IMG 1.1kV Cable Couplers were put through rigorous tests by our client to ensure durability and reliability in the harsh underground environment of their Northern Canadian mine site.

See Videos couplers

IMG Heavy-Duty, Roll-Over, Bolt-able Coupler Skid

Originally designed for IMG Cable Couplers, these heavy-duty skids are now available in a format to fit other, similar coupler brands. These skids protect couplers from damage, while their unique, collapsible (bolt-able) design ensures easy storage, compact shipping and replaceable parts.

. couplers

Oil-Filled Breaker Retrofit

To assist a client with modernization of an outdated, 1930's system with minimal downtime, IMG has custom-designed a unit that preplaces oil-filled breakers. This completely new, unique design isolates site equipment without the use of the dangerous, old-style, rack-in and rack-out breakers.

. solutions


These stainless steel Power Take-Off units were designed to distribute power and control underground mining equipment such as Jumbos, Pumps and Fans. This popular product has now become a standard IMG product: 200hp Jumbo Starter, 30hp Pump Starter and 75hp Fan Starter, with custom units available upon request.


Key-Interlock System

Increasing industry safety standards led IMG to design a new system for mechanically interlocking incoming power (substations) to site cabling power distribution. This system operator safety by preventing the dangerous, potentially fatal, disconnection of live cable couplers.

. couplers

IMG Couplers for 350MCM Cable

Originally custom designed for client's specific cable requirements. This feature has now been added to the IMG Coupler cable size range from 1/0 AWG up to 350MCM for 8 & 15kV couplers.

. couplers

2000kVA Underground PDC

Designed for an underground coal mine located in Alberta, Canada, this unique Power Distribution Center had to be compact, rigid and include state-of-the-art to ensure durability, reliability and safety.


5kV Junction Boxes

These Junction Boxes are typically used in underground mine site applications to distribute power to electrical equipment.

. junctions

PDC750 - Underground Substations

Originally designed and manufactured for an underground mine located in Yukon Canada. These units were designed with the most innovative, up-to-date components to provide operators with convenient, safe and most efficient use.


3MVA Skid Substation

This skid-mounted substation was designed and manufactured for an open-pit mining operation (Mount Polley Mine) located in central British Columbia, Canada.

. substations

9MVAr Capacitor Bank

This capacitor bank was custom-designed to fit an existing, main substation to provide power factor correction and energy savings for mine site.

. capacitor

5MVA Skid Substation

This skid-mounted substation was designed and manufactured for an open-pit mining operation (Red Chris Mine) located in central British Columbia, Canada.

. substations

1500kVA Substation

This small, open-frame substation was designed and manufactured for an open-pit/underground copper mine located in central Yukon, Canada.

. substations